New Machinery » SIGMA 4

SIGMA 4 Front End Loaders are renowned in Europe as robust, high quality loaders for most brands and models of tractor. SIGMA 4 have been sold in New Zealand for almost 20 years. They also offer a range of high quality backblades and backhoes.


Quality front end loaders

SIGMA 4 was founded in 1975 by 3 associates who shared the same entrepreneurial vision: design, develop and promote new tools for agriculture.

In the '80s and '90s SIGMA 4 saw remarkable growth in both its company size and its market share on a national and international level.

SIGMA 4 progressively abandoned its artisan dimension while keeping the very same attention to the detail and its passionate approach.

The company entered the Gallignani Group in 2001: new production and sales synergies are exploited, helping its continuous expansion.

Today SIGMA 4 is a modern and well-structured company, which is able to meet all demands in terms of front end loaders.

Thanks to its 30-year-long co-operation with the tractor's Major Manufacturers, SIGMA 4 is a market leader in Italy and among the first 6 loader manufacturers on an international level.

These are our key concepts: Adaptability, Reliability and Ease of Fitting.

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New Machinery

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Sigma 4