
We are committed to providing excellent, prompt, after sales support, and pride ourselves on our experience and knowledge of the brands we stock.

Make a servicing enquiry

Cochranes employ over 30 specialist service technicians to ensure we are readily available to get your machine back up and running as soon as possible, should you encounter any issues.

If you have a service issue and need to talk to one of our experienced Service Managers, please contact them on:

Amberly - 03 314 9055
Ashburton - 03 307 8027

Oamaru - 03 688 2179
Leeston -  03 324 3791
Timaru - 03 688 2179
West Coast - 03 768 0500

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New Holland Primary Logo CMYK Primary
BEDNAR logo 2019 CMYK 1
A Dalbo Logo NY for website
Duncan Logo Bull
Giltrap logo
Hi Spec
Sigma 4

Contact Cochranes Service
